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Personal MyPage For User: Chrystal
Welcome to!
Thank you for visiting our site.

If you are a bride-to-be, we hope will help in planning your special day, the way you've always dreamed it would be, and within your budget!

If you are a vendor, we hope our site will bring you some new customers, and give business a boost during those "slow months."

And, if you are a vistor, just looking to auction off some of your wedding related items to gain some extra cash, we can accommodate you as well. By not charging a closing percentage fee on items sold on our site, we are just as affordable as our competitors.
How the Bidding Bride came to be?
Donna, my office-mate at my day job and co-founder of, and I were brainstorming one day about a project she had to do for one of her classes. Donna had to come up with a service or product, and create a business /marketing plan for it.

Being a bride-to-be on a budget of $10,000 for my wedding, I had been searching wedding site after wedding site, and classified sites galore.

The haggling with vendors and sellers on the classified sites, combined with wasted online research time, and financial worry was turning me into the "BrideZilla" I promised myself I wouldn't be.

I suggested creating an auction website focused on wedding planning. She decided to go with it, and the teacher seemed to like the idea. In fact, everybody we brought the idea up to thought we should start the business. We figured, "why not get this thing started?," and Donna could put her Business Degree to use.

That's when Jami came into the picture, my future sister-in-law, who recently planned her own wedding very successfully. Donna and I were thrilled she wanted to be a part of the team, as she had the experience of dealing with wedding vendors first hand, as well as a strong marketing and sales background. Thus, completing the threesome behind



The pictures above were taken by Noa at Feather Love. Click here to check out her site!

Enjoy your time!

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